Conducted by Consense Strategies using Stratics®

A survey of Bronx Residents (ages 18+)

April 28, 2021 Release

Interview dates: April 20 – April 24, 2021

Number of interviews among Democratic likely voters: 14,290

NOTE: All results show percentages among all respondents unless otherwise labeled.

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Response Rate

Of the segment dialed, our poll received a 21.82% response rate with 14,290 surveyed.

Age Breakups

Of the Bronxites polled, the largest group of respondents is between the ages of 51-87 years old.


Of the Bronxites polled, the largest group of respondents are women.

Language Preference

Over half of those surveyed are primarily Spanish speaking.

Which Candidate are you supporting for Mayor in the election this June?

We asked voters to share who they were supporting for Mayor in the June Primary.

In the Bronx, Eric Adams has a persistent lead, with 30% of support amongst those polled.

Amongst English Speakers - Shaun Donovan holds a strong second and Yang is competitive.

Amongst Spanish Speakers - Kathryn Garcia jumps Donovan for second place, and Yang drops to 5th place, getting beat out by Morales.

Overall Mayoral Support - Bronxwide

Favorability across all responders.

Mayoral Support by Language Preference

Polling data on candidate support broken down between English and Spanish speaking voters.

Mayoral Support by Gender

Polling data on candidate support broken down between male and female respondents.


Support By Age - Voters 51 and Above

These candidates lead in support from voters 51 and older.

Support By Age - Voters 50 and Below

These candidates lead in support from voters 50 and younger.



Which issue is most important for you in this election?

We asked voters for their top issue priority.

Amongst English Speakers - Covid Relief, Jobs & Economy, and Housing are the most pressing concerns.

Amongst Spanish Speakers - Jobs & Economy are the overwhelming concern, followed by Covid Relief and Housing.

We also mapped the top issue per candidate based on the segments of responders per candidate, which you can see below.


Issues Breakdown

Polling data broken down between English and Spanish speakers responses on top issue priorities.


Issues, RCV Awareness, Income, and Age Brackets of voters who responded in support of each candidate.


Eric Adams

Top Issue Among Supporters:

Covid Relief

25% Comfortable with RCV

Income Range of Supporters:

Under $20k - Over $100k

Age Brackets of Supporters:

70% of Adams’ support is 51+


Dianne Morales

Top Issue Among Supporters:

Jobs & Economy

33% Comfortable with RCV

Income Range of Supporters:

$20k - $60k

Age Brackets of Supporters:

72% of Morales’ support is 51+


Shaun Donavan

Top Issue Among Supporters:

Covid Relief

25% Comfortable with RCV

Income Range of Supporters:

$20k - $80k

Age Brackets of Supporters:

69% of Donovan’s support is 51+


Scott Stringer

Top Issue Among Supporters:

Quality of Life

50% Comfortable with RCV

Income Range of Supporters:

$30k - $80k

Age Brackets of Supporters:

50% of Stringer’s support is 51+


Kathryn Garcia

Top Issue Among Supporters:

Jobs & Economy

34% Comfortable with RCV

Income Range of Supporters:

Under $20k - $50k

Age Brackets of Supporters:

61% of Garcia’s support is 51+


Maya Wiley

Top Issue Among Supporters:

Quality of Life

33% Comfortable with RCV

Income Range of Supporters:

$30k - $70k

Age Brackets of Supporters:

50% of Wiley’s support is 51+


Raymond McGuire

Top Issue Among Supporters:

Covid Relief

50% Comfortable with RCV

Income Range of Supporters:

$50k - $90k

Age Brackets of Supporters:

71% of McGuire’s support is 51+


Andrew Yang

Top Issue Among Supporters:

Jobs & Economy

24% Comfortable with RCV

Income Range of Supporters:

Under $20k - Over $100k

Age Brackets of Supporters:

59% of Yang’s support is 51+


How comfortable are you with Ranked Choice Voting, New York’s new voting system?

We asked voters to share their level of comfort with RCV.

Amongst English Speakers - More voters were uncomfortable or had not heard about Ranked Choice Voting.

Amongst Spanish Speakers - There was generally more awareness of Ranked Choice Voting among the Spanish speakers surveyed.

RCV Awareness by Age Bracket

Awareness of Ranked Choice Voting between respondants over and under 50 years old.

RCV Awareness - English Speakers

Awareness of Ranked Choice Voting amongst English speakers polled.

RCV Awareness - Spanish Speakers

Awareness of Ranked Choice Voting amongst Spanish speakers polled.